I listened with interest last week as FIFA’s President, Sepp Blatter, refused to take any responsibility for FIFA delegates being arrested on corruption charges. He was then re-elected President unopposed for another term when the only other candidate withdrew his ...

I listened with interest last week as FIFA’s President, Sepp Blatter, refused to take any responsibility for FIFA delegates being arrested on corruption charges. He was then re-elected President unopposed for another term when the only other candidate withdrew his application.

Just to top it off, they are saying Australia can expect retribution from FIFA for opposing his re-election. PLEASE!

As they say, a fish rots from the head down.

Now, just for one minute, imagine if a recruitment company was run like this!

Imagine if the MD or CEO came out and said: “How can I be expected to know if any of my Consultants are receiving kick backs, bribes or acting unethically”. What message would that send to the rest of the organisation? What would it do to the company culture? I’d suggest it would be a green light to continue or to even escalate this corrupt activity.

I’m sure we’ve all seen and heard of unethical practices in recruitment, the only problem is that in the majority of cases (and unfairly) the finger gets pointed at the Recruitment Consultant.

I speak to Recruitment Consultants all day everyday and I hear some very unsavoury stories about client and candidate behaviour too.

Would you like to share? What are some of your horror stories? We can all learn from others experiences.