Five Great Habits to Maximise Your Summer Break

  For many Recruiters across Australia this is the last week of the year. Congratulations to all – we made it! Here are some ideas to help you make most of your time off, in every way! Maintain your sleeping ...


For many Recruiters across Australia this is the last week of the year. Congratulations to all – we made it! Here are some ideas to help you make most of your time off, in every way!

  1. Maintain your sleeping schedule.

    Personally, I can be a bit of a night-owl, so over extended breaks my sleeping schedule can shift to a later and later wake-up time. What I’ve found really effective is to exercise some personal discipline and stick to a more regular sleeping schedule (with some ‘holiday allowance’) – waking up no later than 8.00 am. What you will find is this keeps your mind focused, clear, creative and in a productive state.

  2. Exercise every day.

    Some years back, on my flight back home from a stint of living and working in the New York City, I wrote down some plans and goals for my return. One of the first points on my agenda was to swim laps every day. Whatever your personal favourite go-to exercise is, commit yourself to doing it daily over the break. Every day, no skipping. You will be very pleased with how great and engaged you feel. Plus – it gives you something to get up to in the morning for ‘Point 1’!

  3. Stay active on work-related social media.

    Much has been said in recent times on the importance of engaging with your Candidates (and Clients) using digital channels and relevant industry-related content. Keep this activity up through the break and you will stay relevant in the minds of your target audience for when the time comes to start conducting business again.

  4. Learn new skills or do an on-line course.

    With all of the freed up hours in the day, it’s a great time to upskill yourself in a relevant area. For example, do you take an interest in writing, design, photography, web development, etc? Advancing your skills in any of the above areas can benefit your Recruitment Career by improving the quality and authenticity of your Digital Content. Importantly, you’re also learning something new and keeping your life interesting.

  5. Make time for hedonism.

    The above four points are important, but success is not all about being productive 100% of the time. There is various research out there that supports the benefits of taking time off and ‘unplugging’. Giving you mind space to relax can also put you into a more creative state and the opportunity to consider your life from a big picture perspective. Whatever floats your boat here – delicious ice-cold pints of lager in the sun, travel, camping, live music, late-night dancefloors, beach time or hobbies – get amongst it!

What are some of your favourite habits and strategies for the break? Please share below – we would love to learn from you!

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