Last week we hosted the latest instalment of our popular Million Dollar Biller Breakfast. The aim of these cosy, informal events is to offer an opportunity for progressive Agency Recruiters to learn from a proven expert guest speaker about exactly ...

Last week we hosted the latest instalment of our popular Million Dollar Biller Breakfast. The aim of these cosy, informal events is to offer an opportunity for progressive Agency Recruiters to learn from a proven expert guest speaker about exactly what it takes to take their personal billings into the million-dollar territory. Here are some key points to summarise the latest session with Matt Cossens, General Manager of Aurec Human Capital for Victoria:

Plan Your Day

Matt is huge on goal-setting and planning. At the start of each day (or the night before, whichever options works best for you), set your daily goals and schedule everything that you aim to achieve that day.

Plan Months Ahead

Matt has billed in excess of a Million Dollars for multiple years. To maintain this sort of consistency, Matt recommends having a contingency plan for your forecasted revenue. If you anticipate a slowdown period, look at ways to pivot into another space to compensate for the loss in billings.

Know When To Say No

A lot of recruiters starting out can get excited about a new job picked up without having fully assessed if it’s actually fillable. For example, if there are five other recruiters already working on the role and it’s been live for the last three months, it’s definitely time to say ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’

Own Your Screw-Ups

Did your screw a Client Meeting or Presentation? It’s time to be completely honest and transparent with your Key Contact in the business. Reach out to them and take ownership for your mistake. This will clear the air, earn the back the trust and re-establishing clear lines of communication.

The 3 Cs

From his early days starting out in Recruitment, Matt was taught the Three ‘C’s:

  • Control The Process
  • Act with Urgen(c)y
  • Always Be Closing

Annual Planning

When it comes to annual planning and goal-setting, Matt likes to mix Personal and Professional life. Be it his commitment to Martial Arts or his laser-like focus on his billings, each year Matt identifies six areas for improvement, and three habits to change for each of the six areas. He then proceeds with implementing this with focus and accuracy.

Find a Mentor

Matt recognises that this is a challenging task from which a lot of people shy away from, and encourages to start the search and start having those conversations. Look for someone who meets the two requisite criteria:

  • To trust this individual on a personal level
  • For this person to have proven success in their field – and this can be outside of Recruitment

Read Voraciously

Whatever number of books you consider to be ‘voracious reading’, reading is a must. Amongst Matt’s recommendations are 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey   and Crush It! By Gary Vaynerchuk.

Daily Stand Up

When it comes to managing Agency Recruitment Team, Matt recommends a daily stand up to go over individual goals, challenges, WIP and so on. This helps to generate buy-in and helps with the team culture.

We thank Matt for imparting some very valuable and practical advice, and massive thanks to everyone who attended.

Wishing all hardworking Agency Recruiters out there a lucrative year ahead.